Diploma Programme (11-12)
The Diploma Programme (DP) offers a challenging and comprehensive curriculum that focuses on deepening students' understanding of core subjects.
The DP emphasizes critical thinking, research skills, and academic rigor, preparing students for higher education and beyond. The program's interdisciplinary approach fosters connections between subjects, enabling students to develop a holistic perspective on global issues and their local implications.
In the DP, students are encouraged to be inquisitive and self-directed learners. Through the Extended Essay, students embark on an independent research project, delving into a subject of their choice. This process of inquiry allows students to develop their analytical and investigative abilities while cultivating a passion for lifelong learning.
Throughout the DP, students undertake the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) component, where they design and engage in a meaningful project that combines creativity, action, and service. This holistic experience empowers students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, fostering personal growth, and a sense of purpose.
Throughout the programme, student progress is rigorously assessed through a combination of internal and external evaluations. Internal assessments, such as coursework, essays, and oral presentations, provide teachers with insights into students' ongoing development. External examinations at the end of the programme serve as a fair and standardized measure of students' academic achievements.
The DP places a strong emphasis on encouraging students to become principled, caring, and active global citizens. Through CAS and Theory of Knowledge (TOK), students engage in experiential learning, community service, and reflective practices. These components instill in students a sense of responsibility, empathy, and leadership, motivating them to take action and make positive contributions to the world around them.
DP students participate in Impact Term (I-Term), an annual five- to twelve-day course dedicated to experiential learning and community engagement. Students have the opportunity to engage in a diverse assortment of fully immersive experiences outside of or as an extension of the academic curriculum, including participation in an international travel cohort.
All LJA secondary students participate in an Impact Academy—committed student cohorts led by faculty, staff and community partners that work together to design projects that address needs and complete meaningful work for the community. View Impact Academies.
At LJA, we believe that supporting students means embracing diversity to understand how each individual thinks, feels, and learns. The Student Support Team is an interdisciplinary team that uses a systematic process to address learning and/or behavior of students with special attention to the rigors of the DP.
We believe that:
- All students have unique learning styles and learning rates and have the potential to be successful.
- Success can look different for each student.
- Teachers, parents, and students are partners.
- Students are supported by a multidisciplinary team.
- The best learning takes place in a supportive environment.
- Student self-advocacy, confidence, self-awareness, and independence are necessary skills for academic and future success in a global society.
- All students can contribute to the community of learners.
Students learn best when:
- They are exposed to differentiated and personalized instruction.
- Education is relevant, supportive, and inclusive.
- They have a continuum of support.
- Teachers use evidence-based approaches to guide decisions.
- Support is data-driven and responsive to student needs.
- Communication is open and honest between all partners.
- Groupings are flexible and reevaluated frequently for their effectiveness.
They learn together with their peers (push-in model) as frequently as possible. However, we acknowledge a student's individual needs are sometimes best met in small groups and/or in a separate location (pull-out model).
Students receive support through the MYP and DP in preparation for their post-secondary journey. College Counseling services provide students and families with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the college admissions process. LJA hosts more than 100 college admissions officer visits each year, with students going on to colleges and universities of all persuasions both nationally and internationally. Students who elect for a gap year or pathway of service may continue to work with the college counselor toward academic or other post-secondary placements following their gap year. Upon graduation, students are welcomed in the Bulldogs Forever alumni program, a growing network of post-secondary students and professionals who maintain close relationships with LJA. LJA graduates who have completed the IB curriculum are also part of the prestigious International Baccalaureate Alumni Network, a global community with over 70,000 members, offering further opportunities for networking, career development, and lifelong learning.
LJA School Profile
Click here to download.
Alex Ramsvig
Head of Secondary
Ph: 808.261.0707 x2325
Stacey Surina
Administrative Assistant - Secondary
Ph: 808.261.0707 x1120
Ivonne Baxter
Administrative Assistant to the Secondary Deans
Ph: 808.261.0707 x1160