LJA Fund
LJA depends on generous support from our parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, students, friends, trustees, and employees to advance growth in scholarship, innovation, and facilities for our school. When you make a tax-deductible gift that is flexible in nature, you provide fuel to propel our highest priority projects forward to improve campus life and learning outcomes. Every gift makes a big impact!
Le Jardin Academy is beyond fortunate to have amazing support from the entire LJA community. This year’s LJA Giving Day showed an outpouring of generosity from students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, family, friends — old and new!
Our match was met and goals exceeded as we recorded over $404K in support of the LJA Fund. Participation in gift-giving also hit a new milestone, with over 580 gifts.
Giving throughout the year is always appreciated. A gift to the LJA Fund supports the hana pono that happens here at LJA, and helps to ensure that all planned work to enhance scholarship, programs, and facilities growth can be realized for the benefit of all.
Give Now
We are thrilled by the incredible participation and generosity shown this LJA Giving Day! Thanks to our community’s support, we raised $435,526 with contributions from 638 donors!
LJA Fund
Your gift to the LJA Fund is fully tax-deductible and provides flexible support to advance work in LJA’s priority growth areas for the 2025 school year.
Scholarship - advancing scholarship and financial aid to ensure all students can follow their individual paths. Priorities include:
- Belonging and access for all
- Scholarships for families with need
Innovation - igniting innovation across LJA’s programs and igniting innovative thinking and problem-solving at every juncture!
Priorities include:
- Co-curricular program enhancements
- Individual pathways expanded
- Flexible funds for innovation
- Professional development for educators
- Universal Design for Learning
Facilities - campus enhancements to improve student life and learning. Priorities include:
- Classroom Renovations in Buildings B & E
- Tennis Court resurfacing
- Laptops for Learning
Donor Giving
Giving Circles and Clubs provide opportunities for donors to connect fully with the mission and values of LJA, as well as other like-minded visionaries with similar passions. LJA appreciates and celebrates donors at all levels for their generosity and engagement.
Nicole Lunn
Director of Development
LJA Parent, '31, '26
Ph: 808.261.0707 x1710
Piper Wilson
Annual Giving Manager
Ph: 808.261.0707 x1730